This section can be used as a testimonial section as well as a team section, currently CSS is given to match full height of the screen, it can be modified as per requirement.
Important Note: This section is compatible only with owl carousel as slider. It can be used with other sliders as well however changes in css clases will be needed.
What they say about us
Miko represents Nuit Solutions! He is the bridge, an interconnector between us and our clients. Miko, our Tech-Teddy is a very important member of our team as he creates strong brand awareness and a user-friendly environment.
Nina is the driving force of NUIT Solutions. Having 13 years of experience in Business Communication and Information Technology, she is an expert at conceptualizing new ideas and establishing business goals for clients to build up their online presence.
Uday is the Vita-M of our system, mentor and multivitamin, always around to boost our morale and mend our work pattern. He ensures efficiency and quick output, through training and evaluation, thus strengthening the head-and-hands of the web development team.
Loretta provides a clear vision for NUIT Initiatives and propels the ideas into action. She heads the Prayers and Petitions Team, as NUIT Solutions believes that working for man alone is not sufficient, but utilizing our skills for God's glory is what brings value and meaning to our work.
RLN is our financial advisor and oversees all records and transactions of the company. Being a veteran, with 35+ years of experience in Mahindra & Mahindra, he helps prepare our profit goals and monitors the growth of the company.
The Waymaker - Our Mascot
The Thinker
The Mentor
The Reviewer
The Evaluator
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