Code Library

November 24, 2023

404 Page

November 22, 2023

Masonry Grid Style 1

The masonry Grid contains 3 columns in desktop and 2 in Mob. Hence column 3 will combine into column 1 retaining the sizes according to the mobile design of column 1 and pushes the images to the next Column. The grids will be Sets of 3 (Big, Medium, Small) so its easy to understand and copy for new grids and sets (the sets will be used only to understand the arrangement). Keep adding images into the sets by duplicating the last card of each set to maintain the design.
November 3, 2023

Navigation Bar Style 2

Note: Please  change position: absolute to position: fixed for the class .nav1-header…. Please ignore the mobile menu breaking as it will automatically get fixed once put live.
November 3, 2023

About Us Accordion

November 2, 2023

Navigation Bar Style 6

October 31, 2023

Navigation Bar Style 1

Note: Please  change position: absolute to position: fixed for the class .nav1-header…. Please ignore the mobile menu breaking as it will automatically get fixed once put live.
October 27, 2023

Screen Resolution

October 27, 2023

Coming Soon Style 2

October 26, 2023

Slide-in Navbar